Liquid Expansion Thermostats: Total: 16 | 1 - 12

Liquid expansion thermostat, also known as pressure-type thermostats, can replace Germany’s E.G.O products. With small tolerance of temperature regulation, the liquid expansion valve comprises a capillary tube and thermo bulb filled with liquid. As temperature rises, liquid in the thermo bulb expands and drives the mechanical structure of the thermostat body to disconnect from the power supply. But when temperature declines, liquid retracts. Power on and it will resume working. Additionally, a three-phase double-control dual-probe thermostat functions as a temperature controller and limiter at the same time. In the event of a breakdown in the temperature control failing to disconnect from the power supply at a certain temperature, the temperature will continue to rise to the ceiling temperature set. In this case, secondary protection will be enabled to disconnect from the power supply.